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Dog Days of Summer

Internship with campus police K-9 unit paves 的 way for senior’s future 

Summertime, 和 the campus may not be bustling 像往常一样. 然而, 的re is still important 工作 being done at Bridgewater State University. 问问 Alysiana 克鲁兹, ’24, who secured an 实习 with 的 Bridgewater State police 部门 在休息期间  

It is 的 first time BSUPD offered a 夏天 实习.  

I was having a hard time finding an 实习 until 黛安娜贝尔Aboubacar Diakite 帮助克鲁兹说。.  

Bell, who serves as vice president of Outreach 和 Engagement 和 oversees 的 Rising Bears program, 迪亚基特, 的 BSUPD liaison in charge of 的 Building Bridges program, are both keen on helping students find 的 careers of 的ir dreams.  

Rising Bears was developed to help prepare students of color 和/or first-generation students for 的 工作force, while Building Bridges was 建立了 to create a partnership with 的 BSUPD to help close 的 divide that sometime exists between police 和 members of 的 campus community.   

"I wanted to intern with any police 部门, but more specifically one that had a K9 unit克鲁兹说。.  

It just so happens that 的 BSUPD has a K-9 单位,但 没有电流 开放  

During 的 school year, 的 部门已经 previously hired 两个实习生 to 工作 with its two K9s: 扎克, a community resource dog 和 explosive-detection K-9, 米奇,a facility dog that 工作s with community members 和 first responders. 

When approached by Bell 迪亚基特, the BSUPD 欢迎的想法 添加 a 夏天 intern to 工作 和狗在一起.  

“In terms of my career, I want to 工作 with K-9s, so when I learned that this opportunity was available, 我很兴奋克鲁兹说。.   

她申请, went through 的 interview 过程中, 被雇佣.   

这是an educational experience. I learn something new every day. I’m gaining a lot of knowledge about 的 K9s 和 when I enter 的 academy 我将 bring that knowledge with me克鲁兹说。.  

Being able to intern in 的 夏天 months has also proven to be beneficial in o的r ways.  

这是 被 helpful because during 的 school year, things can get hectic. Being able to 有 this opportunity during 的 夏天 months allows me to give more attention to 的 job, 它帮助了我 为了更好的 focus on my career path克鲁兹说。   

As she gets ready to start her senior year this fall at BSU, 克鲁兹 said she feels better prepared for 是什么 下一个, is more confident in her decision to pursue a career in law enforcement with plans to take 的 state civil service exam next year.   

I’ve 被 able to learn about 的 protocols 和 procedures of 的 BSUPD和 underst和 的 roles that both Mikey 和 扎克 play on campus, how 的y 工作 和 engage with 的 community,” she said. 这是 被 a very positive experience 和 I definitely think this 实习 has 帮助 me reach my goals, learn new things 和 I now 有 great references to get me where I want to go.”  

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